Dromod, Ireland
Living in Leitrim,Ireland.Attempting to do something creative each day,making poems or photos.

Saturday, July 11, 2009



Her accent was murmured rain,
softening the summerbound city.
“A single to the Gresham Ballroom”
lilting him from parched Holloway Road
to a green, Leitrim lane.

So long a stranger to those quiet roads,
returned once only,for the mother`s funeral,
buried the woman and his past together.
Settled on a soft price for a fast sale
to a land-starved farmer from the next parish.
Even then,back amongst his own,
that easy air of belonging displaced.
Stood old class and team mates a final drink,
shared one last chorus then faded to the Dublin train,
the Dun Laoghaire-Euston night ride yawning.

He cranked the ticket-machine,gave change.
Held her smile,moved along,moved away.